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Showing 1-5 of 35 results found for "Employees"

26 Employees

Employee costs $ million 2017 2016 2015 In addition, there were redundancy costs of $1,441 million. Remuneration 10,855 11,985 12,558 Social security contributions 844 867 830 Retirement benefits (see Note 17) 1,815 2,181 2,984 Share-based compensation (see Note 21) 802 693 750 Total 14,316 15,726 [...]

Our people

[...] subsidiaries, including our share of employees of Shell-operated joint operations. It excludes employees working for Shell’s joint ventures and associates. At December 31, 2017, we employed 84,000 people, compared with 89,000 at December 31, 2016, and 90,000 at December 31, 2015. The reduction [...]


[...] of Shell’s commitment to its employees and contractor staff. Environmental performance: We are managing Shell’s carbon intensity as part of the long-term transition to a lower carbon energy system. Therefore greenhouse gas measures are now included. For future years, the specific measures and [...]

Risk factors

[...] and the Shell Code of Conduct instructs employees and contract staff on how to behave in line with the Principles. Our challenge is to ensure that all employees and contract staff, more than 100,000 in total, comply with the Principles and the Code of Conduct. Real or perceived failures of [...]

Additional remuneration disclosures

Change in remuneration of CEO and employees from 2016 to 2017 The CEO data compares the remuneration of Ben van Beurden for 2017 with 2016. The comparator group consists of local employees in the Netherlands, the UK and the USA. This is considered to be a suitable employee comparator group, [...]