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Showing 11-15 of 35 results found for "Employees"

Section 13(R) disclosure

[...] continue in the future. In 2017, Shell employees met with Iranian officials in Iran. In relation to these travelling Shell employees, $21,411 was paid to Iranian authorities for visas, airport services and exit fees; $187 was paid to Bimeh Insurance Company for travel insurance; $5,637 was paid to [...]

Performance indicators

[...] case frequency (TRCF) is the number of employees and contract staff injuries requiring medical treatment or time off for every million hours worked. It is a standard measure of occupational safety. See “Environment and society”. Number of operational Tier 1 and 2 process safety events* 2017: [...]

Directors’ Report

[...] the non-partisan Shell Oil Company Employees’ Political Awareness Committee (SEPAC), a political action committee registered with the US Federal Election Commission. Eligible employees may make voluntary personal contributions to the SEPAC. Recent developments and post-balance sheet events There [...]

Principles and codes

[...] Code of Conduct Directors, officers, employees and contract staff are required to comply with the Shell Code of Conduct, which is intended to help them put Shell’s business principles into practice. This code clarifies the basic rules and standards they are expected to follow and the behaviour [...]


[...] in the USA, where it engaged with employees, contractors and local stakeholders. Individual Committee members visited the Pernis refinery in the Netherlands and the Bacton gas terminal in the UK. Nomination and Succession Committee The members of the Nomination and Succession Committee are Charles [...]