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Showing 6-10 of 14 results found for "Risk management"

Our strategy

[...] basis. This is outlined in a toolkit for risk management including our Risk Management Manual and complementary guidance documents that cover specific aspects such as climate risk. Each Shell business unit needs to consider the acceptability of climate-related risks in their portfolios. To ensure [...]

Directors’ Report

[...] change and energy transition”. Financial risk management, objectives and policies Descriptions of the use of financial instruments and Shell’s financial risk management objectives and policies, and exposure to market risk (including price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk can be found in [...]


[...] interim dividends; oversight and review of risk management and internal control; significant contracts; and succession planning and new Board appointments. The full list of matters reserved to the Board for decision can be found at See page 79 for the number of meetings [...]


[...] practice to prevent unplanned releases. Risk management approach We also routinely prepare and practise our emergency response to potential incidents such as a spill or a fire. This involves working closely with local services and regulatory agencies to jointly test our plans and procedures. These [...]


[...] sites, journey management, and information risk management. We conduct training and awareness campaigns, including travel advice and medical assistance before travel. The identities of our employees and contract staff and their access to our sites and activities, both physical and logical, are [...]