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Showing 26-30 of 44 results found for "Subsidiaries"


[...] and best practices to Shell subsidiaries with the aim to reduce their exposure to hazard risks. Actions identified during these surveys are monitored to completion. Information technology and cyber security Given our reliance on information technology (IT) systems for our operations, we [...]

Directors’ Report

[...] made by the Company or any of its subsidiaries to political parties or organisations during the year. Shell Oil Company administers the non-partisan Shell Oil Company Employees’ Political Awareness Committee (SEPAC), a political action committee registered with the US Federal Election [...]

Principles and codes

Shell General Business Principles The Shell General Business Principles define how Shell subsidiaries are expected to conduct their affairs and are underpinned by the Shell core values of honesty, integrity and respect for people. These principles include, among other things, Shell’s commitment [...]


[...] the policies and performance of the subsidiaries of the Company with respect to the Shell General Business Principles and the Shell Code of Conduct, as well as major issues of public concern. Conclusions and recommendations made by the Committee are reported directly to executive management and [...]

Controls and procedures

[...] is in place for the Company and its subsidiaries that is designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve business objectives. It therefore only provides a reasonable and not an absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss. The diagram below illustrates the [...]