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Showing 11-15 of 34 results found for "Employees"

Directors’ Report

[...] energy transition Reporting requirement Employees Where to read more in this report Our people Reporting requirement Social matters Where to read more in this report Environment and society Reporting requirement Respect for human rights Where to read more in this report Environment and society [...]


[...] of its other stakeholders, including employees, customers and suppliers. For many years, the Board has recognised the importance of engaging with all our stakeholders, the need to understand and consider their views, and take account of these when making decisions. This manifests itself through [...]

Section 13(R) disclosure

[...] continue in the future. In 2018, Shell employees met with Iranian officials in Iran. In relation to these travelling Shell employees, $6,336 was paid to Iranian authorities for visas and $688 for exit fees; $190 was paid to Bimeh Insurance Company for travel insurance; and $853 was paid to Iranian [...]

25 Legal proceedings

[...] Shell plc along with four former Shell employees including one former executive were remanded to trial in Milan. On May 14, 2018, a trial commenced in the Court of Milan and is ongoing. On September 18, 2018, RDS was joined to the proceedings as the civilly responsible party (responsabile civile) [...]

Control Framework

The Shell General Business Principles set out our responsibilities to shareholders, customers, employees, business partners and society. They set the standards for the way we conduct business, with integrity and respect for people, the environment and communities. All ventures that we operate must [...]