Search results

Showing 16-20 of 34 results found for "Employees"

Principles and codes

[...] Code of Conduct Directors, officers, employees and contract staff are required to comply with the Shell Code of Conduct, which instructs them on how to behave in line with the Shell General Business Principles. This code clarifies the basic rules and standards they are expected to follow and the [...]

Remuneration for 2018

[...] applicable to other Netherlands-based employees. Jessica Uhl is a member of the Shell US retirement benefit arrangements, which include the Shell Pension Plan, a defined benefit plan, and a defined contribution plan with an employer contribution of 10% of salary. As for all other pre-2013 members [...]

Executive Directors

[...] average salary increase for other employees across three major countries – the Netherlands, the UK and the USA; the experience, skills and performance of the Executive Director, or any change in the scope and responsibility of their role; general economic conditions, Shell’s financial [...]

21 Share-based compensation

[...] upon certain conditions to eligible employees. The actual amount of shares that may vest ranges from 0% to 200% of the awards, depending on the outcomes of prescribed performance conditions over a three-year period beginning on January 1 of the award year. Shares and ADSs vest for nil [...]

Chair’s message

[...] of absolute integrity for all our employees. We can never stop working to ensure that the highest ethical standards are always followed by all Shell staff around the world. And, because we strongly believe that all leaders must set an example, in 2018 we introduced mandatory ethical leadership [...]