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Showing 1-5 of 14 results found for "Risk management"

Audit Committee Report

[...] reporting, the effectiveness of the risk management and internal control system and related governance and compliance matters. We are also responsible for making a recommendation to the Board on the appointment or reappointment of the external auditor. In 2018, we discussed a variety of standing [...]

Risks and opportunities

[...] governance”. Shell has a climate change risk management structure in place which is supported by standards, policies and controls. This includes the work of the Board, which discussed a number of regular agenda items, among them reporting on environmental topics. Throughout 2018, the Board [...]

Controls and procedures

The Board is responsible for maintaining a sound system of risk management and internal control, and for regularly reviewing its effectiveness. It has delegated authority to the Audit Committee to assist it in fulfilling its responsibilities in relation to internal control and financial reporting [...]

19 Financial instruments

[...] interest rate and foreign exchange risk management; insurance; counterparty risk management; and use of derivative contracts. Wherever possible, treasury operations are carried out through specialist regional organisations without removing from each subsidiary the responsibility to formulate and [...]

The Board

[...] experience in the areas of safety and risk management during his time with DuPont. During his time as Chair, he has been committed to developing and maintaining a strong dialogue with investors and other key stakeholders and has ensured that their views are considered during Board discussions and [...]