Search results

Showing 11-15 of 19 results found for "Reserves"

Workforce Engagement

[...] Audit, HSSE, Ethics and Compliance, Reserves Assurance and Reporting), provide additional comfort to the Board of the commitment to high standards of risk management and internal control. The assurance activities ensure that work can be done safely, within regulatory frameworks. The information [...]


[...] Additional policy statement The REMCO reserves the right to make payments outside the Policy in limited exceptional circumstances, such as for regulatory, tax or administrative purposes or to take account of a change in legislation or exchange controls, and only where the REMCO considers such [...]

Other Regulatory and Statutory Information

[...] well as summaries of the Annual Proved Reserves Disclosure and the Full Year HSSE & Social Performance Assurance Report, enable the Board’s ongoing monitoring and annual review of material controls. An annual review of the effectiveness of risk management and internal control was carried out [...]

Statement of Changes in Equity

$ million Equity attributable to Royal Dutch Shell plc shareholders Share capital (see Note 20) Shares held in trust Other reserves (see Note 22) Retained earnings Total Non-control­ling interest Total equity At January 1, 2019 (as previously published) 685 (1,260) 16,615 182,606 198,646 3,888 [...]

3 Adoption of IFRS 16 Leases

[...] held in trust (1,260) – (1,260) Other reserves 16,615 – 16,615 Retained earnings 182,606 4 182,610 Equity attributable to Royal Dutch Shell plc shareholders 198,646 4 198,650 Non-controlling interest 3,888 – 3,888 Total equity 202,534 4 202,538 Total liabilities and equity 399,194 14,813 [...]