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Showing 11-15 of 22 results found for "Subsidiaries"

16 Taxation

[...] assets and investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates. The amount of deferred tax assets dependent on future taxable profits not arising from the reversal of existing deferred tax liabilities, and which relate to tax jurisdictions where Shell has suffered a loss in the current or [...]

28 Auditor’s remuneration

[...] in respect of audits of accounts of subsidiaries 18 16 21 Total audit fees 50 47 48 Audit-related fees 4 5 4 Fees in respect of other non-audit services – 1 1 Total 54 53 53 In addition, the auditor provided audit services to retirement benefit plans for employees of subsidiaries. Remuneration [...]

Performance Indicators

[...] gas produced for sale by Shell subsidiaries and Shell’s share of those produced for sale by joint ventures and associates. The unrefined oil comprises crude oil, NGLs, synthetic crude oil and bitumen. The gas volume is converted into equivalent barrels of oil to make the summation possible. See [...]

Liquidity and Capital Resources

[...] than certain borrowing by local subsidiaries, we do not have any other committed credit facilities. Our total debt increased by $19.6 billion, of which $15.7 billion was due to the impact of IFRS16, to $96.4 billion at December 31, 2019. The total debt excluding leases will mature as follows: 15% [...]

Our People

[...] part-time basis, working in Shell subsidiaries, Shell-operated joint operations, seconded to non-Shell-operated joint operations, or joint ventures and associates. At December 31, 2019, there were 83,000 employees in Shell and an additional 4,000 in certain New Energies and Downstream companies, [...]