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Showing 1-5 of 10 results found for "Biofuels"

Our Portfolio and Climate Change

[...] new fuels for transport such as advanced biofuels and hydrogen; maintaining a focus on using natural gas and renewable electricity to generate power; and working with nature-based solutions. To support this, we continue to advocate the introduction of effective government-led carbon pricing [...]

Business and Property

[...] lower-emission solutions, including biofuels, electric vehicle fast-charging, hydrogen and various gaseous fuels such as LNG. During 2019, we introduced carbon-neutral driving in the Netherlands and the UK, through which we offset customers’ emissions by purchasing carbon credits generated from [...]

Remuneration for 2019

[...] power generated by others; Advanced biofuels technology: biofuels are expected to play a valuable role in the changing energy mix and are likely to be the key decarbonisation levers for sectors that need to continue to use liquid fuels in the foreseeable future, such as some segments of transport [...]

Our Strategy

[...] facility. The calculation also includes biofuels, as well as emissions that we offset by using CCS or natural carbon sinks, such as forests and wetlands. Chemicals and lubricants products, which are not used to produce energy, are excluded from the scope of this ambition. When selecting our Net [...]

Our Business Model explained

[...] Producing petrochemicals 10. Producing biofuels 11. Generating renewable power 12.Producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) Transport and trading 13. Shipping gas to where it is needed 14. Shipping oil to where it is needed 15. Trading oil and gas 16. Supply and distribution of LNG for transport [...]