Human rights
We recognise our responsibility to respect human rights and our approach applies to all of our employees and contractors. It is informed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the core conventions of the International Labour Organization, and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
We have embedded human rights into our policies, business systems and processes. We believe this integrated approach allows us to efficiently and effectively manage human rights within our existing ways of working.
We focus on four areas where respect for human rights is particularly critical to the way we operate: labour rights, communities, supply chains and security. Our Community Feedback Mechanism and Global Helpline enable us to meet our commitment to provide access to remedy.
We consult with international organisations, companies and civil society to understand and respond to current and emerging human rights issues relevant to our business. For example, we collaborate with The Danish Institute for Human Rights to assess and improve our approach. We are members of the Business for Social Responsibility human rights working group which enables us to engage with companies across industries. We participate in IPIECA, the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues, to share social performance good practice and guidance tools that can be used more widely. We actively adhere to the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights and participate in FPIC Solutions Dialogue, hosted by the non-profit organisation Resolve, to promote the practical implementation of Free Prior and Informed Consent.
Approach to human rights
We work with communities to understand their priorities and concerns. Managing our impact on communities is essential to being a responsible company.
We respect the rights of our staff and suppliers by working in alignment with international conventions and guidelines.
Shell aims to keep staff and facilities safe, while respecting the human rights and security of local communities.
The Shell Supplier Principles include expectations for contractors and suppliers concerning human rights.