STEM education
We actively support science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. Our industry needs talented people with knowledge and skills in these areas, and through our STEM programmes we aim to inspire future generations.
NXplorers, our global STEM programme, introduces young people to the challenges of solving complex problems, equipping them with the tools and skills needed to create sustainable change. We are helping to deliver a growing, diverse and talented population of future innovators and leaders.
In 2018, we launched NXplorers in a further 12 countries, including Australia, China, Kazakhstan, India and Trinidad and Tobago. We now support STEM programmes in more than 20 countries.
Read more about NXplorers at and Shell’s approach to education at
In Australia, students from schools in Perth and Broome were taught the NXplorers methodology to explore challenges and design their own sustainability ideas. At events, students exhibited projects aimed at improving food and energy sustainability issues in their communities. We plan to roll out NXplorers to more schools in Western Australia in 2019.
In 2018, we also renewed our 33-year partnership with Questacon in Australia with the launch of a new and improved Shell Questacon Science Circus designed to inspire a passion and curiosity for science in people of all ages.
Trinidad and Tobago
We hosted the first Trinidad and Tobago STEM Education National Consultation with more than 200 key stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers and government representatives. Participants discussed how to better integrate STEM into the curriculum and we provided training in NXplorers to more than 40 teachers and representatives from the Ministry of Education. We plan further training and a wider roll-out to schools in 2019. Read more at

Teachers and representatives from the Ministry of Education participated in NXplorers training in Trinidad and Tobago.
In Kazakhstan, we trained 100 teachers from Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS) in Astana as part of the Solar for Schools project. This helped us identify teachers who can train the NXplorers methodology as it is rolled out in schools. We also trained students and young entrepreneurs at the Astana Business Campus of Nazarbayev University.