[...] Off-grid energy solutions span solar, wind, hydro, biomass and gas technologies deployed by both foreign and local access-to-energy companies that complement available grid power across Nigeria and help bridge the significant energy gap. In 2018, All On focused on partnerships to help accelerate [...]
[...] Energy from Nigeria provides solar and wind powered community solutions. Carlton Cummins, co-founder of Aceleron, is pioneering low-cost energy storage from waste lithium batteries. The winner of this year’s Shell LiveWIRE Top Ten Innovators award for energy solutions was Metronome Energy from [...]
[...] believe more renewable energy like solar and wind is critical for a cleaner energy future, and that increasingly how people live, work and play is going to need to be powered by lower-carbon electricity. But we also recognise that not everything can be easily, swiftly or cost-effectively [...]
[...] quantities of nuclear power, hydro power, wind, solar and large-scale primary biomass that the global energy system has. Our approach to calculating the Net Carbon Footprint covers: emissions directly from Shell operations (including from the extraction, transportation and processing of raw [...]
[...] lower-carbon energy sources, such as wind and solar, along with natural gas. Shell aims to help make electricity available to more people. Having a reliable supply of energy is critical to economic and social development but, globally, around 1 billion people are without access to electricity. In [...]
[...] renewable energy, such as solar and wind, by helping to maintain a steady supply of electricity, because gas-fired plants can start and stop relatively quickly. Meeting demand for LNG As one of the industry leaders in liquefied natural gas (LNG), we sell LNG to customers in over 25 countries. [...]