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Showing 19-22 of 22 results found for "Employees"

Social data

[...] governments, voluntary work by Shell employees and donations of equipment. Estimated voluntary social investment spending in countries where gross domestic product amounts to less than $15,000 a year per person (source: UNDP Human Development Index 2016). Social investment and contracting and [...]

Social investment

[...] in the form of voluntary work by Shell employees and equipment donations. Social investment in 2018 proportion of spend Social investment in 2018 by region


[...] Close 7Environmental partners: engaging employees Close 8Raising standards: across the industry Close 9Energy transition and climate change: working with others Close 10Revenue transparency and tax: transparency Close 11Raising standards: Myanmar Close 12Biodiversity and sensitive areas Close [...]

Social partners

[...] through volunteer support from Shell employees. Through the collaboration, around 20 entrepreneurs were supported with accounting, finance, management and human resource training. Better access to jobs and training In Tanzania and Kenya, we support a programme called Employment and Skills for [...]