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Showing 1-6 of 14 results found for "Stakeholders"

Topic overview

[...] were most relevant to Shell and our stakeholders or were prominent globally in 2018. Each year, we use a structured process to select the report’s content and confirm its validity. We engage with various groups and individuals to understand specific concerns about our business and its impact [...]

GRI index

[...] no 102-42 Identifying and selecting stakeholders About this report Social performance Not applicable no 102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement About this report Embedding sustainability into projects Engaging communities Environmental partners Social partners Non-operated ventures Report Review [...]

Embedding sustainability into projects

[...] affected by the project Engage with stakeholders (e.g. communities, host governments and NGOs) and feed responses into our risk analyses and decision-making process Conduct baseline studies of the local environment (e.g. water, biodiversity, social livelihoods) and consider how the project may [...]

Spill response and prevention in Nigeria

[...] with the Bodo community and other stakeholders, managed by the Bodo Mediation Initiative, the first phase of clean-up activities started in September 2017. The clean-up consists of three phases: removal of free-phase surface oil; remediation of soil; and planting of mangroves and monitoring. The [...]

Report Review Panel

[...] Independent comments from external stakeholders throughout this report provide a more balanced view of Shell’s strengths and challenges. We are encouraged by the expanded information about Shell’s approach to managing water risk and would like to see additional disclosure of targets and other [...]

Our business strategy

[...] partners, investors and other stakeholders. Our strategy is founded on our outlook for the energy sector and the chance to grasp the opportunities arising from the substantial changes in the world around us. The rising standard of living of a growing global population is likely to continue to [...]