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Showing 1-10 of 16 results found for "Data"

Additional segmental information and capital data

Additional segmental information $ million 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Prior period comparatives have been revised to conform with current year presentation. With effect from Q3 2018, tax paid on divestments has been reclassified from Cash flow from operating activities to Cash flow from investing [...]

Employee data

Average number of employees by country Thousands 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Fewer than 500 employees. Countries with fewer than 500 employees in each of the last five years. As revised, to align with the current year definition. Europe France 1 1 Germany 3 3 3 5 5 Netherlands 9 10 11 9 9 Norway 1 1 [...]

Additional Integrated Gas data

LNG regasification terminals Project name Location Shell capacity rights (mtpa) Capacity right period Status Shell interest (%) Start-up date 100% capacity rights are held by Gas del Litoral joint venture with which Shell has a contract to supply 75% of the volumes. Of which 1.2 mtpa may be [...]

Quarterly data by segment

Quarterly earnings by segment $ million 2018 2017 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Attributable to shareholders. Integrated Gas 2,391 3,358 2,116 3,579 11,444 1,822 1,191 1,217 848 5,078 Upstream Europe (194) 291 287 162 546 309 (138) 27 1,560 1,758 Asia 1,141 749 637 601 3,128 251 284 85 477 [...]


Data -1 Data Shell Investors’ Handbook 2014-2018 This section contains detailed five-year financial and operational data, as well as additional investor information.

In Focus: Digitalisation

[...] customers. For example, we analyse sensor data from equipment such as pumps and furnaces to optimise their performance. For our customers, we offer services that provide convenient ways for them to purchase and consume low-carbon energy. These include smart charging that helps people charge their [...]


[...] on a broad range of independent industry data and internal analysis, the Outlook highlights key trends in 2018 and focuses on future global demand and supply. Strong demand for cleaner-burning fuel in Asia continued to drive rapid growth in LNG use in 2018, with global demand rising by 27 million [...]

Technology commercialisation

[...] plants, for example, are providing data that advanced analytical techniques can use to optimise performance. In the case of shipping, a team of data analysts discovered how ships can adjust their sailing approach to navigate most efficiently. By letting Shell's captains know exactly what the [...]

Environmental, social and governance

[...] We will do this by continuing to improve data on emissions, and by using this information to guide a whole range of initiatives. These include efforts to detect and repair methane leaks in our operations as well as programmes to replace equipment with newer gear that reduces leaks. Taskforce on [...]

Market overview

[...] for which we have limited access to data; accordingly, the numbers are estimated. The accounting classification of Woodside was changed from an associate to an investment in securities in April 2016. Crude oil and natural gas liquids ($/b) Europe 68.23 64.24 50.52 46.88 38.62 40.75 49.77 45.97 [...]