We have interests in offshore production, LNG liquefaction and exploration licences in the North West Shelf (NWS) and Greater Gorgon areas of the Carnarvon Basin and in the Browse Basin. Woodside is the operator on behalf of the NWS joint venture (Shell interest 16.7%), which produced more than 480 thousand boe/d of gas and condensates in 2019.

The Prelude FLNG facility produces natural gas off the coast of Australia
We have a 25% interest in the Gorgon LNG joint venture, which is operated by Chevron. The venture started operating in 2016, producing from the offshore Gorgon and Jansz-Io fields via a three-train LNG plant on Barrow Island.
We are also a partner in the Browse joint arrangement (Shell interest 27%) covering the Brecknock, Calliance and Torosa gas fields, which is operated by Woodside.
We are the operator of Prelude FLNG (67.5% Shell interest). During 2019, the facility progressed through the start-up and ramp-up phase, with the first condensate offtake in March 2019, followed by the first LNG offtake in June 2019 and the first NGL offtake in July 2019. Our other interests in the basin include a joint arrangement, with Shell as the operator, for the Crux gas and condensate field (Shell interest 82%) and other backfill and contingent resources. A significant discovery was made at the Bratwurst prospect in the Browse Basin, Australia, near the Prelude FLNG facility which presents an opportunity for a future tie-back to Prelude, currently under evaluation, to maximise the FLNG value.
The sale of Shell’s interest in the undeveloped Sunrise gas field in the Timor Sea (Shell interest 26.6%) to the government of Timor-Leste was completed in 2019.
We are a partner in both Shell-operated and other exploration joint arrangements in multiple basins, including Browse, Exmouth Plateau, and Greater Gorgon.
We have a 50% interest in Arrow, a Queensland-based joint venture with CNPC. Arrow owns coal-bed methane assets and a domestic power business.
We have a 50% interest in train one and a 97.5% interest in train two of the Shell-operated Queensland Curtis LNG (QCLNG) venture. The two-train liquefaction plant has an installed capacity of 8.5 mtpa. We also operate the venture’s natural gas operations, which include wells, compression stations and processing plants, in Queensland’s Surat Basin. We have interests ranging from 44% to 74% in 24 field compression stations and six central processing plants. Our production of natural gas from the onshore Surat Basin supplies the liquefaction plant and the domestic gas market.
A gas sales agreement between Arrow and QCLNG has been signed, under which gas from Arrow’s Surat Basin fields would flow to the QCLNG venture, which would then sell gas to local customers and export it through its gas plant on Curtis Island.
We have a 25% interest in Brunei LNG Sendirian Berhad.
In 2018, we took FID on LNG Canada, a LNG project in Kitimat, British Columbia, in which we hold a 40% interest. Construction started in October 2018 and first LNG is expected before the middle of this decade.
We have interests of 35.5% in train one and 38% in train two of the Egyptian LNG (ELNG) plant. In January 2014, force majeure notices were issued under the LNG agreements as a result of domestic gas diversions severely restricting volumes available to ELNG. These notices remain in place.
We have a 51% interest in the first LNG regasification facility in Gibraltar.

Small-scale LNG import terminal, Gibraltar
We hold a 100% interest in Shell Energy India Pvt Ltd, which operates a regasification terminal, and Hazira Port Pvt Ltd, which manages a cargo port at Hazira, both of which are located in the state of Gujarat on the west coast.

Shell Hazira LNG, Gujarat, India
We have a 35% interest in the INPEX Masela Ltd joint venture which owns and operates the offshore Masela block. In June 2019, the joint venture received the official approval of Plan of Development (POD) for the Abadi LNG Project from the Indonesian government authorities. The government also granted a 20-year extension to the Masela block PSC in October 2019.
We operate a GTL plant, Shell MDS (Shell interest 72%). Using Shell technology, the plant converts gas into high-quality middle distillates, drilling fluids, waxes and specialty products.
We have access to import and storage capacity at the GATE LNG terminal in the Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands (Shell capacity rights 1.4 million tonnes per annum). We are also using the terminal to supply LNG to our growing truck-refuelling network in the Netherlands.

The GATE LNG terminal, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
We have a 25.6% interest in Nigeria LNG Ltd, which operates six LNG trains located on Bonny Island.
Gasnor AS (Shell interest 100%) provides LNG fuel for ships and industrial customers and has a natural gas pipeline network.
We have a 30% interest in Oman LNG LLC. We also have an 11% indirect interest in Qalhat LNG.
In February 2019, we signed an Interim Upstream agreement that detailed a funding and a work programme for 2019 for the development of gas resources destined for integrated projects to help meet the Sultanate of Oman’s growing need for energy. The other signatories were Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), Oman Oil Company (OOC) and Total. The project covers investments in gas exploration and production. The aim is to integrate the Shell and OOC share of the upstream project with the development of a GTL plant currently under discussion, which would be developed and operated by Shell in partnership with OOC.
We have a 20% interest in the Peru LNG liquefaction plant.
We operate the Pearl GTL plant (Shell interest 100%) in Qatar under a development and PSC with the government. The fully integrated facility has capacity for production, processing and transportation of 1.6 billion standard cubic feet per day (scf/d) of gas from Qatar’s North Field. It has an installed capacity of about 140 thousand boe/d of high-quality liquid hydrocarbon products and 120 thousand boe/d of NGL and ethane.
We have a 30% interest in Qatargas 4, which comprises integrated facilities to produce about 1.4 billion scf/d of gas from Qatar’s North Field, an onshore gas processing facility and one LNG train with a collective production capacity of 7.8 mtpa of LNG and 70 thousand boe/d of condensate and NGL.
We have a 27.5% interest in Sakhalin-2, the joint venture with Gazprom, an integrated oil and gas project located on Sakhalin island.
We have a 50% interest in a joint venture with KS Investments (the investment arm of Keppel Group) that holds a licence to supply LNG fuel for vessels in the Port of Singapore. We have aggregator licences to import LNG into Singapore and market the gas to power plants and other customers.
We have a 60% interest in, and are the operator of, Blocks 1 and 4 offshore southern Tanzania. The blocks cover approximately 4,000 square kilometres of the Mafia Deep Offshore Basin and the northern part of the Rovuma Basin. We continue to develop a potential LNG project with partners in Block 2, in line with the Block 1 and 4 appraisal programme agreed with the Tanzanian government. We are engaging with the government to extend the Block 4 licence. The government has confirmed that the Block 4 licence, which had initially been due to expire on October 31, 2017, remains in full force pending the grant of the licence extension.
Trinidad and Tobago
We have interests in three concessions with producing fields – Central Block, East Coast Marine Area (ECMA) and North Coast Marine Area (NCMA) blocks. We have a 65% interest in Central Block, 100% interest in ECMA and 80.5% interest in NCMA. We also own a 90% interest in block 22 and 80% in NCMA 4 which include three undeveloped discoveries. Our interests range from 35% to 100% in exploration activities in blocks 5(c), 5(d), 6(d), and Atlantic Area blocks 3, 5, and 6.
We are the largest shareholder in all four trains at Atlantic LNG.
We have a 50% interest in the Dragon LNG regasification terminal, with long-term arrangements in place governing the use of capacity rights.
We have offtake rights via a lease to 100% of the capacity (2.5 mtpa) of the Kinder Morgan-operated Elba Island liquefaction plant, which consists of 10 MMLS units. The first three of these units started up in 2019. We also lease regasification capacity on Elba Island with contracted capacity of 11.6 mtpa.
We have 13.1 mtpa of contracted capacity in the Lake Charles regasification terminal in Louisiana.
Trading and Supply
Through our Shell Energy organisation, we market a portion of our share of equity production of LNG and trade LNG volumes around the world through our hubs in the UK, Dubai and Singapore. We also sell trucked LNG in China, Singapore and Europe.

Shell markets and trades crude oil