Other gas and power activities
We hold a 37.5% participating interest in the Caipipendi block, where we mainly produce from the Margarita and Huacaya gas-condensate fields. We are also exploring further in the Caipipendi block. We also have a 25% interest in the Petrobras-operated Tarija XX West block where we produce from the Itaú field. We have the rights to explore and further develop the onshore Huacareta block (Shell interest 100% during exploration), and we are currently exploring there. In August 2019, we acquired a 15% participating interest in the Repsol-operated Iniguazu exploration Block. In May 2019, we relinquished the La Vertiente Block to the government.
We jointly develop and produce from the onshore Changbei tight gas field under a PSC with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC). In 2016, we completed the Changbei I development programme under the PSC and subsequently handed over the production operatorship to CNPC. In December 2017, we took the FID on the Changbei II Phase 1 project. We started drilling activity in early 2019, and remain the operator of Changbei II.

Changbei natural gas processing facility, China
We had a 30% interest in the producing oil and gas field Panna/Mukta and a 30% interest in the Mid Tapti and South Tapti fields. Both licences expired in December 2019 and operatorship was transferred to Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC).
In 2019, we divested our 10% interest in Mahanagar Gas Limited, a natural gas distribution company in Mumbai.
Trading and Supply
Trading and Supply also markets and trades natural gas, power and carbon-emission rights in multiple markets in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia, of which a portion includes equity volumes from our upstream operations.
We have set up a power marketing and trading business in Japan which began trading in 2019.
In November 2019, we acquired ERM Power, one of Australia’s leading commercial and industrial electricity retailers, which builds on Shell Energy Australia’s existing gas marketing and trading capability.
We have a 17.9% share in the West African Gas Pipeline Company Limited which owns and operates a 678 km pipeline transporting gas from Nigeria to Ghana, Benin and Togo.
We have a 40% interest in a gas pipeline connecting Uruguay to Argentina.
We have a 35% interest in Cyprus block 12, holding the Aphrodite discovery which is currently under appraisal, a 60% interest in two deep-water blocks in Colombia, interests in offshore blocks in Myanmar and one exploration block licence in Namibia.
We also have interests in Gabon and Morocco.